Category Archives: Just Life

Random tid-bits…

So much has been happening lately! I do believe it’s time for an update.

I successfully designed, and launched the website for the 5th Kentucky. Designing it was exciting, and challenging. It was my first web design project, and I have to say I learned a lot, and enjoyed it immensely.  Check it out at here.

Classes have again begun. So far the semseter had been great. But I’m required to read so much, that I think I might actually turn into a book! Hopefully I’ll be a classic!

I still have a talent for burning popcorn.

Jake took me to see Beauty and the Beast 3D, and man alive the soundtrack came pouring back into my head, like I had just seen it yesterday. I loved it, and will be purchasing the original to go with my ever expanding Disney collection.

Wedding plans are coming along nicely. The invitations are being printed at Flora and Fauna Press in LA. I look at my invitation sample daily, and CAN’T WAIT to see ours! I’m also working with a sweet lady in Pennsylvania, who is working on getting all my vintage stamps together, and I received  all the wax to seal the back of the envelopes the other day. I’ve also ordered my veil, with my soon-to-be new monogram on the back. It’s beautiful. Mom and I are meeting with the florist tomorrow. So excited to finalize some plans.

We finally decided on a honeymoon. Washington DC, and Gettysburg. We decided to embrace our inner history nerds, and soak up as much American history as we possibly can. I found the most amazing B&B, which is a 112 year old town house, located in Old Town Alexandria. We are alone in the townhouse, and right smack in the middle of all the quaint little shops, and restaurants, and only a short metro ride into the city. Needless to say, I’M VERY EXCITED.

I’ve also been honored with the task of editing my dear Uncle Ray Adkin’s 12th book. I’ve never edited a book before, but I’m really enjoying it! Embracing all those English grammar lessons I’ve had over the years!

Well, I must run. I have laundry to finish up, homework to review, and Downton Abbey starts in 10 minutes! Promise to post some pictures next time!

An old post, and a new year…

I wrote the following on Christmas Eve. I’m not sure why it was never published, but I assumed now was as good a time as any.

I can hardly believe that it’s Christmas Day 2011. After all the planning, shopping, crafting, wrapping, etc that goes into Christmas it’s now upon us. Presents ready to open, food ready to be consumed, and family loud and loving, plus throw in a tad bit of chaos for good measure.

This year is rather special for me. This will be my last year at home celebrating Christmas. Next year, Mr. Mosley and I will be married, and we will begin our own traditions together. I’m looking forward to every aspect of spending my life with the most incredible man I’ve ever met. And I’m certain we will have some fun traditions.

But, that doesn’t mean that I won’t feel a little nostalgia this year, knowing that traditions I’ve known for so long, will soon be distant memories. My family bringing cookies to me at work on Christmas Eve (Coworkers loved it by the way, Pops) going to the tree farm in Flemingsburg for our Christmas tree, and spending Christmas Eve at my Grandparents house eating ham, and cheesy potatoes. Listening to Josh and Ryan pick at each other, like boys tend to do. Watching Gram Keller open her presents at the worlds slowest pace, and laughing hysterically when she decides she would rather have a tool kit, than an emergency kit for her car. (Long story)

I’m going to soak in every precious moment of time with my family this Christmas. (Already have been because I’ve already had Christmas with my Mom, and Grandparents.) I’m going to be exceedingly grateful that another year has passed, and we all find ourselves together healthy, happy, and satisfied.

I can’t help but reminisce about days past when we still lived in Pittsburgh. On Christmas Eve we had our traditions. Gram/Pap Keller’s house for dinner, and presents. Church. Gram/Pap Porter’s house. Visit with family. THEN…my Uncle Mitch would take us to the edge of my Grandparents front porch to “listen for Santa’s bells.” After a few minutes, the bells would ring out through the neighborhood (or so it seemed to be as a kid), and I would fall into hysterics to get home, and in bed as fast as humanly possible.

I still have that excitement in my heart. I think the few of us who make it into adulthood still carrying that ‘special excitement’ are the ones who will be the bell ringers of the future. Helping future generations believe in Santa the way I did. Writing letters, and making sure I’m on the “good list.”

As this season of life ends, and a new one begins I’m so grateful for the family I have, the experiences I’ve been blessed with, and most importantly the knowledge that it is all a blessing from my  Heavenly Father who loves me so dearly.

Looking forward to new traditions, new experiences, and more love than ever before. Happy 2012, my dear readers!

A cold winters night…


Kentucky Sunrise…


Breaking the blog silence…I’m thankful for so much!

Hello all.

I’m finally breaking the blog silence, mostly because I actually have time to sit down, and write something. This semester has been, in a word, crazy. But I love being a Wildcat, and I know that God has placed me at the right place to FINALLY finish my degree. Despite the challenges of being a commuter, working midnights at SCR, and trying to squeeze in sleep, I’m happy with how my first semester has gone. In light of Thanksgiving in a few days, I thought I would write an “I’m thankful” post.  Although, I’m sure this list could be endless…

1. I’m thankful for Jesus Christ our savior, His unfailing love, and His forgiveness.

2. I’m thankful for a family that loves me, supports me, lifts me up, encourages me, laughs with me (and sometimes at me ;P), and prays for me.  My family is so amazing, it’s difficult to summarize into a paragraph. Just know that I’m thankful for all of them. And trust me, there’s a lot of them.

3. My fiance Jake. Sometimes I’m amazed at just how I lived a day without him in my life. In a few short months, I will be Mrs. Mosley, and our life together will really begin. I can’t put into words just how much I love him, and I truly can’t wait to spend the rest of my life at his side.

4. My soon to be family. (Jake’s family) They have showered me with love, and have made me feel so welcome and comfortable. I love them all dearly.

5. My dear friends. Each of you means so much to me. I’ve been blessed with the ability to have unique experiences with each of you. And I’m thankful for your love and friendship.

6. My Madison. Yes, she’s a dog. But her love for me is real, and she’s always wants to be with me, even if that means hours spent in a car going in between Morehead and London. I love my little pooch.

7. My education. It’s taken me forever to finish it. But I’m thankful that I have the opportunity to complete it, and hopefully start a legacy with my future children.

8. Having a home, or actually homes. Because I’m always going back and forth between Morehead, and London I’m thankful for both. My Dad’s house is where I’ve lived for the last 16 years, and Mr. Mosley’s house that we are slowly turning into our place. 😀

9. My car. I wouldn’t be able to pursue my education, work, or even see Mr. Mosley without it. She’s a tank, and she might sound a little loud, but she’s my tank, and she gets me where I need to go.

10. All of my crazy hobbies, and the ability to do them. This list includes sewing, knitting, reading, photography, researching (mostly historical costuming), reenacting, journaling, and so on.

11. I’m thankful that I live in the United States of America. Yes, this country has it’s fair share of problems. But we have men and women, past and present that have laid down their lives for our great nation, and it’s worth fighting for.

12. My health. This year has shown me that your health is something to take seriously, and that in an instant you can go from being healthy, to having surgery to remove precancerous cells. It’s not something to be taken for granted, and I’m thankful that I’m healthy.

13. My job. I have learned a lot from working in a busy ER, and will certainly miss working at SCR in April when I move to London. Which reminds me, I’m also thankful for my coworkers. They are all unique, and talented individuals, who are just pain fun to work with.

Of course I could go on. There is so very much to be thankful for, but I will end this list here. It’s always nice to stop and think about all the blessings we are daily given, and I think it’s important to show just how grateful we really are for them. I hope each of you reading this have a blessed, fun, memorable Thanksgiving. More posts to come soon.

A prayer request…and a chicken rant.

I saw this random picture on pinterest (, and laughed because it reminded me of myself. I love skirts, tights, aprons, and fun colored dishes. And although I have never owned chickens, I DESPERATELY WANT A FEW. .

Yes. I want to own chickens. And yes, I know they poop. Everywhere.

Still, I want to name them Henerita, Elinor, and Mabel. My fiance thinks I’m crazy, but at some point in my life, there will be a fancy roost in my backyard.

Anyway, I digress. Today hasn’t been the greatest of days. I got a phone call at 8 o’clock this morning from Dr. Ashmun. Phone calls from doctors first thing in the morning is never a good sign. Of course, I missed her call by mere seconds, and had to wait, not so patiently, an entire half hour, until the main office lines opened up. Naturally, I was concerned. Okay, freaked out. But I managed to keep my cool, and listen to her tell me the results from my colposcopy. I was very calm until she said…

Adenocarcinoma in setu.

Carcinoma? Doesn’t that mean cancer? The dreaded “C” word? She very quickly told me, that NO, I DIDN’T have cancer. That it was actually pre-cursor cells.

Oh great. Pre-cursor cells. As in, pre-cursor to cancer? Begin freak out now.

But, after more conversation she told me that she spoke with 2 pathologists (Yes, 2, because I’m complex like that), and that all parties involved thought that the majority of the cells in question were removed when she biopsied it last week.

Thank the good Lord.

BUT…that she wanted to do a procedure in the OR that would ensure that nothing had infiltrated surrounding tissue. OR? As in OPERATING ROOM? Another word foreign to me. My entire medical history includes wisdom teeth removal, and strep throat. OR? For reals?

I’m thankful that the results weren’t worse. And after spending the majority of the day…

1. In deep concentration and

2. Researching the crap out of this

I’m feeling better, optimistic.  Simple procedure, and hopefully all will be water under the bridge. I will give this entirely to my Lord and Savior, and honestly, who can handle problems better than the creator of the universe? Please say a small prayer that all goes as planned, and no further complications arise.

Love to all! ~KP

Early morning light…

One of my favorite things about this time of year is when I finish up work, I can watch the sun come up during my drive home. This morning the lighting was absolutely breathtaking! I stopped in the middle of my driveway to snap a picture with my phone of the sun just peaking out from the horizion, and in minutes I was in our partially frozen field with my pink rainboots, and Hazel, my camera.

These two pictures are my favorites from my impromptu early hour photo session. It’s when I’m laying in the middle of a cold, wet field, happily snapping pictures that I know I’ve found a life long hobby. 😀

Happy Weekend all!

A fiesta of random…

Sigh. I know I’ve posted about my love for Fiestaware before. But I unpacked my favorite dishes over the week, and seeing the bright colors, just made me smile all over again.

I know, I know…it’s just dishes. But how can those colors not evoke some sort of emotion? I guess I’m also sort of partial, because they remind me of back home, and all the family members that own these same dishes. It’s sort of funny the crazy things that make you sentimental!

Anyway, I’m at work. It’s already been a long night, and I still have 2.5 hours left. Ahh…I can hear my bed calling my name, and I’m more than ready to snuggle into my soft sheets, and sleep the day away. That’s the thing about working midnights, you tend to sleep literally the entire day away. I hate that part.

Don’t tell my boss, but I just painted my nails. A color called ‘Commander in Chic,’ by Sally Hansen. Who thinks up the nail polish names? I’ll admit sometimes they’re a tad random. Okay, they’re usually incredibly random. Somewhat like this post. It’s random also.

Well…I guess I’m going to sign off. What’s everyone up too this weekend?

P.S. GO CATS. (That’s for Jake, who’s determined to turn me into a b-ball fanatic.) Convincing, right?


The Pioneer Woman…

On a website that I frequent, the blogger mentioned that she was reading this book. I’m always searching for a good book, but often stick with the classics. I have a certain obsession with Jane Austin, Charlotte Bronte, and basically anything Russian, to name a few. I’m forever trying to work my way through my enormous “to-read” list, but occasionally I’ll divert to something a tad more modern, meaning it’s been written in the last 50 years. Black Heels to Tractor Wheels was released last month, fresh off the presses, and I was so interested in reading it, I splurged and bought it at our local bookstore the day I realized they carried it.

Ree Drummond’s modern love story captivated me so much, that I wasn’t able to put it down the first day I got it. I ended up reading 130 pages, and totally neglected the sewing I had planned for the evening. Her writing style makes the reader feel like you’re engaging in a conversation, and that you’re almost apart of the story. There were quite a few times, that I paused after reading a paragraph and thought, “Whoa, I think in circles like that too…”

Written after being in a car accident after meeting her boyfriends Mother for the first time…

“We’re fine,” his mother said. “We just got a little busy talking.” I was Lucille Ball. Lucille Ball on steroids and speed and vodka. I was a joke, a caricature, a freak. This couldn’t possibly be happening to me. Not today. Not now.

I laughed out loud when I read this passage, the description painted the scene so well. I must add that the author in no way advocates drinking. And aside from a few glasses of wine in the story, there isn’t drinking, language, or even premarital sex mentioned. I was shocked to find a book written in the last 50 years that had such morals! It’s sad to say that it’s a rare find, but that is the reality of our world. And it’s one of the many reasons I read books written 100+ years ago.

Anyway-I wanted to pass along the word to any bookies out there that this one is worth reading. Perfect for snuggling up under a warm blanket, and getting lost in.

Happy Friday all! Have a great weekend!


Okay, so there’s a little background information needed to understand this post completely. Here’s a lame attempt to explain the story, without making it into an entire post itself. The first event of the reenacting season happened last weekend. Jake and I decided to go, despite the fact that nobody else from our group was attending. We found a group to fall in with, set up camp, and were getting ready to start our fire, so we could get dinner cooking, when we were told rather rudely, and with language not proper for most conversation, that we could not have our own fire, that we must share with 15+ others. With temperatures dropping into the 20’s, and also removing our ability to cook any meals, not to mention the rude way we were addressed, we decided to pack everything back up, and head home. We were so angry at having put all the effort into setting up camp, and everything that goes with it, that we decided we probably won’t be attending this event again, unless members from our group attend. It also made me SO GRATEFUL for the amazing group that we reenact with. It’s the people that making living history fun, and I’m go glad our group focuses on honoring our ancestors, and remembering whats really important.  

Anyway, the next night we were still pretty set on cooking a meal in a dutch oven. We are both excited about the season kicking off, so we decided to go ahead and still cook the way we had planned all along. SO…

As we were cutting up chicken and potatoes, and combining everything together (soooo yum, by the way) it started snowing. We were still undeterred, and gathered around the fire with Dad and Denita, laughing about how random we all were.

I had to bust out my cloak. It’s the warmest thing I own, and like I said I’m ready for the season to kick off. Wearing it, just made me want to reenact even more!

Dad and Denita were all smiles, even though I’m sure they thought we were nuts!

The finished meal… MMMM!

And my only slightly burnt cornbread.

All in all, we still made it a super fun weekend, despite having to cancel our original plans. While we were sitting around the fire, watching the dutch ovens do their thing, I couldn’t help but think about how fun this will be with our own kids. I’m thankful to have a fiancé who loves the outdoors as much as I do, now if only I could convince him to let me get chickens! haha.